Friday, August 8, 2008

There's Always More to Learn

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education" - Mark Twain

This is how I interpret the above quote... if someone has already finished his studies, this doesn't mean that his education should also stop there.

School is a place wherein we acquire knowledge for it offers us formal education. Formal in the sense of we're being gathered in a room that our professors, mentors, or teachers give us information to ponder. They teach us how to solve problems and how things are to be done but they don’t teach us how it works. It should be ourselves that must know what to do base on what they have taught us. They don't serve us everything and that we should be seeking for some additional information hence we should be thankful about it- that our parents send us to an academy to have learning. After we have finished our studies in school, that's the best time for application on the career we chose to take and use what we have learned but that point in time does not end our education. Education may not only be attained inside our campuses. We should take it as a lifetime assignment. "Learning has no boundaries". It is a continuous act and in life there really is so much more to learn in a wider and broader reality. Likewise, let me say that our school education is just a "sneak-peek" of the many concepts that we may encounter in the real world. So accept the fact that our colleges require us to take down notes and pass the exams because we will still be doing it in facing the harder triumphs outside. If we open ourselves to the unlimited sources of wisdom in our surroundings, even if we're not in school, life will be as exciting as that of the students.

In addition to the statement of Mark Twain, let also live by the two quotable quotes that would inspire us to continue learning: “Education is a process… Education is growth… Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” (John Dewey)
“You can not teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.” (Galileo)

Like Mark Twain and all the other successful individuals, let us also not limit ourselves to the four walls and four corners of our classrooms. Therefore we must go beyond that in order to be more educated. We have all the chances because it is never too late and we also have our choices if we want to.

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